Sunday, April 3, 2011

Como estoy aprendiendo el español

Folks, I have been in a Spanish class every day for the past seven and a half years. And that doesn’t even count the two after school programs I attended in kindergarten and second grade. But it was not until this semester that I finally felt compelled to fully grasp the language.

And it’s all thanks to my professor. Because he is absolutely freaking gorgeous.

*Sigh* I wish you could see him for real, because that picture really doesn’t do him justice…


Up until this semester, I successfully evaded class participation with my Handy Dandy Guide to Avoiding Getting Called On. I would take a long gulp of water, scribble furtively in my notes, look quizzically at a book as though pondering the answer to life itself, even feign ignorance that my name had been called until a fellow student took pity on me.

But not anymore.

How are you supposed to avoid being called on when you spend the entire class period staring amorously into the eyes of your Latin lover?

It simply isn’t possible. Now I spend every moment attempting to prove my deep understanding of his native tongue in order to gain his respect and adoration so that we can move into the Spanish castle I know he secretly owns and spend our afternoons siesta-ing in the shade of the orchard with our beautiful Spanish stallions grazing nearby.

“Emily, ¿qué dice Callisto a Melibea en auto uno?”
“Él dice que está enamorado con ella. Dice que nada es más importante que ella, ni siquiera dios.”
Translation (for those of you without hot Spanish professors):
       "Emily, what did Callisto say to Melibea in the first chapter?"
       "He said that he is in love with her. He said nothing is more
        important than her - not even God."

He so asked me that on purpose.

By the end of the semester, I’m going to be fluent in the language of love.

Our children are going to be gorgeous.


*DISCLAIMER!* If someone mean is out there snooping, please don’t fire my professor just because I live in a fantasy world. He is actually definitely for sure the best Spanish professor I’ve ever had, and I would be very sad if I caused him to be fired because I have an overactive imagination. I would cry. A lot. Please don’t make me cry.

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